
Why spend money when you can #DrinkWaterForFree.

Amidst a cluttered digital realm plagued by ad fatigue, we present a distinctive, interactive, and tailored method to engage your audience. Utilizing water bottle canvases and QR code integration, Freebie stands out from the crowd. In a landscape oversaturated with advertisements, we offer brands a refreshing and unforgettable means to leave a lasting impression. Beyond mere advertising, we provide brands the chance to be at consumers’ fingertips, delivering customized messages and exclusive promotions directly.

Why spend money when you can #DrinkWaterForFree.

Amidst a cluttered digital realm plagued by ad fatigue, we present a distinctive, interactive, and tailored method to engage your audience. Utilizing water bottle canvases and QR code integration, Freebie stands out from the crowd. In a landscape oversaturated with advertisements, we offer brands a refreshing and unforgettable means to leave a lasting impression. Beyond mere advertising, we provide brands the chance to be at consumers’ fingertips, delivering customized messages and exclusive promotions directly.

Transform advertising with our innovative approach

Your brand, our canvas.

We’ve transformed our bottles into platforms for delivering a brand’s message, offering everything free to consumers. With a quick scan of our QR code, they’re seamlessly connected to your brand’s universe, enabling direct access to your target audience while tracking campaign performance in real-time.

How It Works

In a crowded digital landscape, FREEBIE offers personalized engagement via water bottle canvases and QR code integration.

Save Money

Save money effortlessly with Freebie: QR codes on water bottles offer exclusive promotions and tailored messages.

Empty Canvas

Transform empty canvases into captivating ads with Freebie's innovative QR code integration on water bottles.

Available At No Cost.

Enjoy Freebie's offerings available at no cost, revolutionizing engagement with personalized messages and exclusive promotions.

Premium Water

"Elevate your brand with Freebie's premium water, paired with interactive marketing through QR code integration."

Freebie Admin Panel

Effortlessly manage campaigns and engage audiences with Freebie's intuitive admin panel for streamlined marketing control.

Social Impact

Freebie empowers brands to make a positive social impact by delivering meaningful messages and experiences.

why chose Freebie

& our services

Through every advertising campaign, we provide clean drinking water for a full year to an entire school in both rural and urban India.
Freebie collaborates with NGOs to install water dispensers in government schools without safe drinking water, aiming to ensure universal access to clean water for the health and welfare of children.
Years of Operation
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Product Design
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Satisfied Clients ​


With each advertising campaign, we help supply clean drinking water to a whole school in both rural and urban areas of India.

Interested in Collaboration?

Join Freebie for unique, personalized engagement solutions that leave a lasting impression.
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